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Who is he in yonder stall

Who is he in yonder stall
at whose feet the shepherds fall?
'Tis the Lord, O wondrous story!
'Tis the Lord, the King of glory;
at his feet, we humbly fall,
crown him, crown him Lord of all!

Who is he, in yonder cot
bending to his toilsome lot?
'Tis the Lord, O wondrous story!
'Tis the Lord, the King of glory;
at his feet, we humbly fall,
crown him, crown him Lord of all!

Who is he, in deep distress,
fasting in the wilderness?
'Tis the Lord, O wondrous story!
'Tis the Lord, the King of glory;
at his feet, we humbly fall,
crown him, crown him Lord of all!

Who is he that stands and weeps
at the grave where Lazarus sleeps?
'Tis the Lord, O wondrous story!
'Tis the Lord, the King of glory;
at his feet, we humbly fall,
crown him, crown him Lord of all!

Lo, at midnight who is he
praying in Gethsemane?
'Tis the Lord, O wondrous story!
'Tis the Lord, the King of glory;
at his feet, we humbly fall,
crown him, crown him Lord of all!

Who is he in Calvary's throes
asking blessings on his foes?
'Tis the Lord, O wondrous story!
'Tis the Lord, the King of glory;
at his feet, we humbly fall,
crown him, crown him Lord of all!

Who is he that from the grave
comes to heal and help and save?
'Tis the Lord, O wondrous story!
'Tis the Lord, the King of glory;
at his feet, we humbly fall,
crown him, crown him Lord of all!

Who is he that from his throne
rules the world of light alone?
'Tis the Lord, O wondrous story!
'Tis the Lord, the King of glory;
at his feet, we humbly fall,
crown him, crown him Lord of all!

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