American Old Time Song Lyrics: 61 You And I

Theater, Music-Hall, Nostalgic, Irish & Historic Old Songs, Volume 61

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Copyright, 1897, by T. B. Harms & Co.
Words by Hugh Morton. Music by Gustave Kerker.

When we walk up town together on a Saturday afternoon,
You and I, you and I,
Oh, the day It seems delicious, with our hearts in perfect tune,
You and I, you and I!
When we drop into the Hoffman House and have a glass of wine,
It's a jolly thing to do, upon the sly,
And you whisper that you love me ere you go up home to dine,
You and I, you and I!
Oh, of course, we don't get tight, for that wouldn't be polite!
Oh, we never reach the fullness of the man up in the moon;
But we sort of own the street, and we learn to watch our feet,
When we walk up town together, on a Saturday afternoon.

When we walk up town together on a Saturday afternoon,
You and I, you and I,
Oh, the only thing that's sad is that the walk should end so soon,
For you and I, you and I!
We drop in here and drop in there, and ev'ry drop is sweet;
And there comes a little love-look in your eye,
And your fingers sort of cling to mine,
As we go up the street, you and I, you and I!
Oh, of course, we don't get tight, for that wouldn't be polite!
Oh, we never reach the fullness of the man up in the moon;
But the pavements kind of dance, and you're in a sort of trance,
When we walk up town together, on a Saturday afternoon.
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